Pest Inspection Home Inspector

We are licensed by the state Department of Agriculture to conduct Wood Destroying Organism inspections, or WDOs, better known as Pest inspections or Termite inspections when required in the sale or transfer of real estate.
This is a specialized area of the pest management industry requiring extensive training and testing, and additional licensing and insurance.
These inspections focus on the organisms that potentially infest or consume cellulose materials such as wood, cardboard, some types of siding, or even styrofoam used for foundation, wall, or roof insulation. We are also reporting conditions that are conducive to attracting or supporting WDOs, such as water or plumbing leaks, soil or mulch against siding, packed gutters, mossy roofs, inadequate crawl space vapor barrier or ventilation, etc.
Wood destroying organisms can include termites, Carpenter ants, several species of wood boring beetles, rot fungi (wet or dry), and many more.
Knowing where to look, and what to look for, as well as knowing what type of WDO caused damage to a particular material requires extensive knowledge and experience.
We are now in our 35th year of offering this service, as well as "piece of mind" inspections just to make homeowners aware of their pest potential and would be happy to help with your inspection needs.